About our Library

Checkout Procedure

Students and faculty may check out their items using the self-checkout station if staff is unavailable to check out the materials. Students and Faculty are trained how to use the automation system in the beginning of the school year and retrained as needed throughout the school year. No materials may leave the library media center without being checked out.

Renewal of Materials

Renewal of materials is limited to three weeks unless the item has been reserved by another patron. Students and Faculty do not need to have the item with them in order to have the item renewed. 

Overdue Materials

Returning materials on time ensures that it will be available for others. Please be considerate of others and return materials on time. A list of overdue materials will be printed out weekly and given to each classroom teacher. In order to save paper, individual overdue notices will be printed out once a month and placed in teacher’s mailboxes for distribution.

Lost and Damaged Materials


The patron will be billed for the cost of replacement of any lost materials or materials damaged beyond repair. On occasion, books are returned to the shelves before they have been checked in on the computer or get mixed into the student’s classroom library. It is important to check the shelves and with the classroom teacher before sending in payment for a lost material. If the lost material is paid for and is later found, the funds will be refunded only if the replacement book has not already been purchased.

Loss of Borrowing Privileges

It is important that the students check materials out regularly and learn responsible library use. Students may continue to checkout books with an overdue book on their account, at the discretion of the library staff. The following situations serve as examples of when borrowing privileges may be suspended: numerous lost or damaged materials, chronic overdue materials, theft or attempted theft of materials, and/or other extreme cases.